Live Here, Be Happy!

Fresh off the news feed the survey says . . .

happy places
How cool is that?  My little town of Lafayette, CO – a “suburb” of Boulder, CO is in the top 13 cities in the entire US for happiness!  There can’t be any more than 10 thousand people here, but obviously we rock!

But . . .

Don’t move here!  We’re happy as it is and don’t need tens of thousands of people moving in – unless you tell me in advance so I can buy more real estate;)

I lived just South of Green Bay for years, went to school in Asheville, NC as a kid, and since then have been in either Boulder or Lafayette, CO.  Spent most of my life in the top 13 cities in the whole US for happiness – guess that’s why I can be “happy” no matter what actual reality might be . . .

I was in Cleveland for 4 years but don’t see them on the list – no big surprise, when I lived there, the river once caught on fire – talk about pollution – and also the Mayor of Cleveland’s hair caught fire!  Not exactly my favorite place to live  . . .



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