Archive for the ‘Marketing’ Category

How’s Your Tiger Repellant Working For You?

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Tiger repellant is a must for anyone venturing outside their home.  Do you have some?  It’s available for only $19.95 at . . .

What does tiger repellant have to do with marketing?

Guess you’ll have to watch the video to find out 😉


Best Deal Ever – I’ll Bring You A 10X1 Return Or I’m FREE

Sunday, October 13th, 2013


Here’s a very simple offer –

If you let me help you with your business, I’ll bring you 10X more revenue than I cost you or my services are free.

So, what do you have to lose?

Call me and discuss it you want more business at 720-890-8770. Online business or off, that’s OK. After you fill out my 2 minute survey, I’ll let you know once I get it whether I can help you.

You will need to email me at to get the survey to fill out.

I have helped clients – or my own companies – get an additional billion dollars of sales, so what do you have to lose?


PS  Call me and I’ll explain how – or email me for my quick survey – I can’t help everyone and that’s why I need you to fill out my 2 minute survey.  Call/email now.



4 Reasons Why People Don’t Buy From You

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

There are only 4 reasons why people don’t buy from you.  Here’s what they are and what you can do about each one.

The 4 Reasons Why People Don’t Buy From You

Here’s how to deal with each of the 4 reasons why people don’t buy from you.

1. They don’t know or trust you

The best way to build trust with people who don’t know you is to start by giving them stuff for free and by helping them, not trying to sell something.  Once you have built a relationship with them this way, they will begin to like and trust you and then you can sell them something later on.

Additionally, it’s an excellent idea to use videos of yourself so they feel they know you that way too.  I have people tell me they feel them know me very well even though we’ve never met and that’s because of video.

2. They don’t want what you are selling

Well, not everyone is a customer – or – you might have targeted the wrong market or you might not have explained what your product is or does for them.  If they do have your ideal customer profile, then work on how you communicate your benefits or maybe hire a copywriter to do it if you are not skilled in that area.

3. They don’t want what you are selling more than what they would have to give up to get it.

Refer to # 2 above.  If the reason is price, and your positioning is not as the lowest price alternative, you need to sell the “reason why” your product is different/better.  This is not only facts and figures, but emotional reasons.  People buy based on emotion and justify their purchase with logic.  So if you’re going to buy that Ferrari, you will have all the facts and figures about it’s awesome performance and handling, but your wife will probably see through all that and realize you just want to impress other women . . .

4. They don’t believe you

If you make outrageous claims about your product or service, be prepared to prove each one.  I liken this to proving a case in court.  You want an overwhelming amount of evidence proving every point you make so that they will realize there is really no option other than to buy from you.

There is a second piece to this too.  If you are selling a business opportunity, you may convince someone that yes many people have made tons of money with it.  But, they may not think it’s really possible for them.  That is where smart marketers use video testimonials from people in all walks of life in hopes that you will identify with at least one of them and believe you can do it too.

So that’s a quick summary of the 4 reasons why people don’t buy from you and what to do about it.  If you want more comprehensive training with a lot of free content, go to our marketing team’s web site and sign up for only $25.  You will get an impressive amount of free bonus material just for joining our team.

To learn about our complete product line and the income opportunity that accompanies it, click here. 

Free Marketing Consulting Offer

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

So, why would I offer my services for free if I was any good at all . . .

Here’s why.

Joe B&W

I’m happy to work for free in exchange for a percentage of the results because I’m confident I can make much more money that way;)

In brief, or not so brief . . .

I’ve invented, manufactured and sold $45 Million of products to major retailers like Walmart & Target. I’m not telling you this to brag, just to let you know I have started and built companies around products I invented.

In addition to that I founded, built and sold a national mail order company that, after I sold it, my acquisition partner sold out to Staples.

Since then, my wife and I got to the top 30 money earners of a network marketing company and I’ve started and built several Internet businesses.

I’m done talking about me – far too long already – it’s not about me, it’s about what I can do for you!

You don’t know me so why should you take any risk in you and I working together?

The answer is that you shouldn’t.

The burden is on me to prove I can deliver results for you. Maybe I can, or maybe I can’t.

Here’s how to tell.

Give me a call at 720-890-8760 or send me an email and let me ask you a few questions that will tell me whether I can help you or not. You may be in an industry I know nothing about or in a situation where I can’t help.

I will not know until we talk.

I don’t charge for an initial consultation and expect you will learn a lot just from the questions I ask.

Let’s schedule a time to talk. Email me at or call 720-890-8760 to set up a time.

Here are just a few of the questions I’ll be asking you:

– what do you do now to get new customers?
– how do you measure the results of that?
– what is a customer worth to you?
– what systems do you have in place to keep the customers you have?
–  what systems do you have in place to bring you referrals?
– how do you use the Internet to get and keep customers?
– How do you know it works?

Let’s talk – no risk or cost to you.







Marketing Strategy Simplified

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

Most small business owners, and plenty of large business marketing employees, get marketing strategy confused with marketing tactics.

As a marketing strategy consultant, I often get clients who come to me and ask me to write an ad without understanding that developing the marketing strategy needs to come before the tactical implementation of an ad or campaign.

Here’s marketing strategy simplified

Strategy should always come before tactics.

Marketing Strategy is:

  • What To Say”
  • “How To Say It”
  • “Who To Say It To”

In other words, the “what to say” part is your message. The “how to say it” part is how and with what words will you say it (also called copywriting), and the “who to say it to” part is your target market.

If you don’t know who you are trying to reach and what message you want to communicate, your marketing will suck. This is why you see so many marketing messages with a headline of the company name, a photo of the owner or their product.

Marketing Tactics are:

  • When To Say It”
  • “Where To Say It”
  • “How Often To Say It”

This is where most business owners start. The “when” means the timing of your message, the “where” means through which media, and the “how often” part refers to the frequency of your marketing.

If you don’t take the time to define who you are trying to reach and then put together a message that will capture your prospect’s attention and get them to take some sort of action, you are wasting your money.

The Internet is not a strategy.

It’s just another media, or way to get your message out. There are plenty of different types of media both online and offline, and as Dan Kennedy teaches, you need a match between your message, your market and your media. Just as it makes no sense to use social media to target older people who never use it, it is appropriate to use mobile phone marketing, Facebook and text messaging to reach the younger generation.

In fact, my kids don’t respond to phone calls or voice mails, they text. I’ve even seen teenagers sitting across from each other sending texts instead of talking!

As marketers, our goal should be to reach the people we want to reach with a message that is relevant and interesting to them as inexpensively as possible. Spending some time to set up and define your marketing strategy before spending money is a great idea!

To get training on how to do this, go here to get access to the best and most comprehensive training available and here to see the details on the Internet marketing training available.